Friday, 29 January 2010

Nervous breakdown

Time for some serious decisions. The choices are remove the propulsion system and use the services of a local towage company and empty your bank balance into theirs, move whole propulsion and steering system to the sharp end and always go backwards, raise wheelhouse by about five feet or install a really good multi camera system at the sharp end and multi screens in the wheelhouse. In picture one the brown bit at the back is the wheelhouse, and the next picture is all you can see from that wheelhouse. After moving said vessel to the drydock a stiff brandy would be the order of the day, but seeing as I am tee total I'll just shake for

a few days more. Having to lign up the bows with the entrance to the dock with a good cross wind and cross tide running in the same direction as the wind, calls for a swift change of underwear and a serious hope that no one else builds a large visual block for him that twiddles the steering wheel. Now where's the Prozac


  1. Yes I can well imagine..brown trousers would be the order of the day....good luck!

  2. Hi Keith - being a landlubber all my life I just cant grasp why the wheelhouse is at the back - furthest away from what you dont want to hit!
    Just lazy engineers who build the things wanting to keep all routes for control nice and short but hell they dont steer the buggers do they.
    Could you reverse into the dock? - You can see I'm a big chicken...
