Surely it should be thawing by now. Must use the banger to visit better half, first chance in a few days, she probably thinks I'm working on the three deliveries I was supposed to get done by christmas, but the weather has not been too good for that sort of thing, besides my engineer is hibernating.

good job we have friendly farmers in these parts, they promised to keep the road open until I get back from visiting Hassle the Boss.Thanks to Mick and

Joe for their stirling efforts. I arrived home in one piece. Note to self "must get the car computer fixed, it lies, although the speedo read 126mph I was only doing 20, Honest, I may have got a bit sideways in the S bends but I will put that down to wheel spin. speed for driving on black tarmac 50mph, say's nothing about snow. Not doing work work leaves a little more time
for writing or listening to Hassle the Boss's cousin north of the border using his new chanter on his old bagpipes, dont ye worry lassie I'll get a toone oot of these one day, must practice more. And yes he also wears a kilt. Hassle the Boss's lot come from the same area but wear the black Douglas tartan while the cousin and bagpipe wears the Monteith tartan, now how is that for being confusing. The Monteith's sold out W Wallace to Longshanks and the dreaded black Douglas were his and Bruce;s right hand man. Mind you it has to be said that according to those that know, Brucey got a wee bit tipsy one day and tossed Douglas oot the window of Sterling castle, now it was a long way down and it did manage to kill him so Brucey named the garden where he died "The Douglas Garden" must not forget the black bit, ok the black Douglas garden.
The reference to why God hates me is very simple. There are three of us delivery skippers that work for insurers crossing vast distances of wet stuff, insurers say, no higher than force 4 beaufort, that's about 19 miles an hour wind speed to landlubbers. Now if we ahve a Dutchman onboard the Dutch coppers nick us for being nuts, "don't you know that Dutch barges are inland waterway craft and are not allowed to go to sea." How comes it's ok for me to do it?........every time I get a few miles off shore the wind gets up, so him up there is stopping me from earnin an honest bob or two, now he drops a sh no forget that a large amount of white stuff on us, doesn't he know I have to see where I'm going.........Hence God hates me
I forgot to mention that I hope no one lets Robert the bag pipe playing cousin that I have been critisizing his playing of his underarm squeeze bag, you know what them Scots are like, he will sulk for a week and cross us off his cristmas card list
ReplyDeleteGreat Keith.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the banter.
Peter G4WPB
ice bit o nonsense Keith...but God doesn't hate you...didn't you know? It's global warming ;-)
ReplyDeleteStill, bad luck about the delays. I think you delivery dkippers must be a bit like pilots...you hve to be a bit nuts to do what you d anyways..especially with flat bottomed dutch barges wot were made for inland navigation and not the likes of the north sea...lol
That was meant to be 'Nice', not ice...still quite apt though!
ReplyDeleteOnly problem VallyP it is not nonsense but historical fact which makes all the more funnier. You can take what is written as fact unless I add a tongue in cheek comment