Friday, 26 February 2010

sorry for the absence

It happens to us all at one time or another, """"YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED WITH VIRUSES AND MALWARE"""" Scan now URGENT go to this web site to down load the latest virus protection, pay $97 to obtain the code to remove these dangerous programmes. There is no way I am going to pay some snot ridden crook who has infected my computer, I would prefer to throw the computer against the nearest wall rather than pay. It took some time but I finally mastered their programmes, starting as many internet programmes that try to log on such as Skype but first remove the plug that connects the computer to the internet, this slows the computer down so much that the malware programme also has trouble getting started, while I hurridly push the button that resets the computer to an earlier date. After resetting the machine, time to have a good old moan at Bill Gates and his cohorts, only to see that they are on the ball and have put on their main Microsoft site a free windows live onecare scanner and computer cleaner. Great it found the malware and cleaned my machine, and now it works quicker with less problems. Silly bit is we use windows live one care and have used it for years without problem. Going back through the history it transpires that while yours truly had to pop out to the shops, visiting grandchild noticed that grandma has dozed off, so it is safe to download that new superduper recently hacked whiz bang shoot em up computer game for free, but she has to disable our fire wall to get the programme, Any one out there want a 12 year old girl who has just learnt what the old fart was shouting about and finally realised that he could manage never seeing again. I lost alot of sleep over this problem as I am so careful, and taking advantage of granny grabbing a few winks took the biscuit. Microsoft report says that this type of malware is very prevenent lately which is why they are offering the free service. If you look up the following using your search engine and clicking on the Microsoft example will show you what we have been dealing with and may just frighten you enough to double check on downloads. first is pws:win32/prast!rts, two is win32/winwebsec, three is renos.jl and finally js/renos. my sincere hope is that the spotty oik who wrote these malware programmes becomes very ill finding it hard to breathe cos my foot is pushing on his/her wind pipe!!!

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