Monday, 10 October 2016

Moving on

hi guy's time to move on, well it has been a while, yes life has given me a good kicking, but failed to finish the job, well deliveryskipper wants more, no not the pain, more life. Just in case you are contacted by a younger woman, I gave my permission for her to have a peek, so if you get contacted for info, just tell the unvarnished truth, hey guys I'm waiting for just one word "continue" this is DS's chance for happy, could even improve on that, can lightening strike twice in a lifetime, painful but I've got me digits crossed. And before anyone asks I'm a bit wiser now. One ship waiting for Peter and I at Dunkerque, weather a bit nasty but fingers crossed we can get owner and vessel back ok.
Right, no more animals, just fingers crossed, wish me luck